America’s Debt: The Monster That Feeds Itself.

“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debt as it goes.  A principle which, if acted upon, would save one-half the wars of the world.”                                                                        -Thomas Jefferson

America’s national debt is approaching a whopping eighteen trillion dollars and it adds one million dollars every three seconds and that’s just the interest.    That’s the number 18 followed by nine zeros.  If allocated to every man woman and child in America that amounts to approximately $60,000.00 each! Sixty Thousand dollars and climbing!!!

When did it become a principle of democracy that a nation could remain strong by spending more than it earns?  How many of Washington’s politicians manage their personal finances the same way they manage the country’s finances?  I bet 0.  The idea that America has a debt ceiling is preposterous when a majority of congressmen/women who worry more about their political survival than balancing the books can vote to change the ceiling.  Up it goes.

A spiraling debt.  A spendthrift congress.  A dysfunctional White House (Including an incompetent President).  An Attorney General who has given new meaning to the word “redacted.”  One government agency after another that has betrayed the American people including the Department of Justice, the IRS, the Veterans Administration, the EPA and the list goes on.  All spell out a recipe for disaster.

We could all just complain and put our collective heads in the sand and wait for the hammer to fall or we could do something about it.  I choose to believe that the greatest democracy in the world is comprised of enough common sense thinking people that we can avoid self destruction.  In America we determine our destiny at the polls.  In two and a-half months we have a chance to rise up and declare that we will not stand by and watch America be transformed from a country of the free and the brave to a country of the poor and the weak.  November 4, 2014 needs to be the day that we stand up for the Constitution, get up, go to the polls and restore conservative control of the senate!